What is hci|History of HCI |Uses and applications of HCI

Uses and applications of HCI

In today’s world of computers, there is no such field where the computer is not used, today in this post we will know in detail about the relationship between humans and computers, and what human-computer interaction is, till the end of the post you will know. I will fully understand HCI.

What is hci

HCI, which is called Human-Computer Interaction, is a study in which the interface between computer systems and humans is designed and the interaction between the two is studied. Suppose the user has to perform a specific task from the computer. If the computer processes the task according to the instructions given by the human and provides the output that the user wants, then it is a successful HCI.

HCI helps us to build interfaces that enhance product quality, improve user experience, and reduce security risks.

HCI came about in the 1980s at the time of the advent of personal computing. Human-computer interaction is also called MMI (man-machine interaction) or HMI (Human-machine interaction). To match with the computer, humans interact with the help of input devices such as keyboards, mouse, etc.

HCI is used mostly in all the places, below you are being given some important areas. where they are used.

User: A user is the one who uses the system, the user can be one and more than one, and each user interacts with the computer according to his own accord.
Computer: When we talk about computers, then all computers from small to large scale are included in it like tablets, smartphones, and VCRs, all these are called computers.
Interaction: The communication between humans and computers is called interaction. This part of HCI is very important because it ensures that the interaction between humans and computers is successful.

Uses and applications of HCI 

The use of HCI can be seen in almost all fields, mainly it is used in UCD (user-centered design), UI (user interface), and UX (user experience).

Research applications in this field focus on

  • How to design a better computer interface that is capable of performing a specific task such as learning ability, discovery, ability, and usability.
  • How to compare and evaluate interfaces based on usage so that better interfaces can be designed.
  • How to verify if a user is a real user or a bot.
  • How to study the socio-cultural effects of human and computer interactions.

Industries that depend on HCI

  • Healthcare Technologies.
  • Security and cybersecurity.
  • Voice user interfaces and speed recognition technologies.
  • Electronic commerce.
  • User learning and Training.
  • Virtual and Augmented Reality.
  • System development.

Norman’s model of interaction

As I mentioned above, the communication between computers and humans is called interaction, and many models have been given on this interaction, but today we will learn about the most famous, interesting, easy-to-use, interaction model of norman.

This model is based on execution and evaluation in which a goal is first set to perform a task and then it is executed after passing through some stages. These stages keep on repeating, hence this model is also called the execution-evaluation cycle.

Norman Model Key 7 Stages :

  1. Establish the goal.
  2. Forming the intention.
  3. specifying the action sequence.
  4. Executing the action.
  5. Perceiving the system state.
  6. Interpreting the system state.
  7. Evaluating the system state w.r.t goals and intention.

Let us now understand them closely with examples –

Establish the goal- To process any task, the goal is first set. Example: Suppose you are sitting on the bed and you have to run the fan and set this goal.
Forming the intention- With what intention do you want to perform that task? Example: If we want to run the fan due to heat, then it has become our intention.
Specifying the action sequence- Follow the steps to perform any task. Example: To run the fan, you have to get up from the bed and walk a few steps.
Executing the action- In this stage the task is performed. Example: Pressing the button to run the fan.
Perceiving the system state – receiving or understanding the task’s exit.
Interpreting the system state- Interpreting the system state.
Evaluating the system state w.r.t goals and intention- The last stage in which evaluation is done between goal and intention.

Goals of HCI 

HCI’s goal has always been to create a safe, simple, effective functional system to increase production efficiency. There are a few things the developer has to pay attention to creating well-usable systems.

  1. Understanding the factors that determine how humans use technology for themselves.
  2. Creating tools and techniques that can be used to build a suitable system.
  3. To achieve the qualities of safe, effective, and efficient interaction.

History of HCI

Human-computer interaction (HCI) is a field of practice that emerged in the field of computer science in the late 1970s and early 1980s.

And then the organization was formed which is known as ACM-SIGCHI whose full name is Association for Computing Machinery- a special interest group on computer-human interaction.


I hope that you have got a good idea about human-computer interaction (HCI). Please do share this post with your friends and tell in the comment below which topic of computer science you need complete information on.

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